A/C power switch

  • A/C power switch

    For people who have converted to electric fans and hooked up the A/C -clutch fan switch off the fan controller so when you hit the a/c button the fan powers on whether it was on or off already, what wire did you tap into? The compressor clip? I tried it and I'm getting nothing with my a/c switch. I don't have a/c so Any clip is really available, but i want to be able to hit the A/C button in the console to turn the fan on.
    Usual Z31 suspect: Garage Queen (aka broken)

  • #2
    Ok just realized the compressor only has a ground switch coming out of it and that's why it wasn't working durrrr… Does anyone know the 12 V power connector for the A/C switch though?
    Usual Z31 suspect: Garage Queen (aka broken)

  • #3
    Just run a constant 12+ line to your fan, and use the switched ground on the AC harness to trigger the fan.

  • #4
    I'm slightly confused on what you are saying. Right now this is my set-up

    Fan controller with 30a relay 12v for controller and relay hooked up (set to go on w/ thermostat for 180 and off at 170 (something like that) which then has a high and low speed capability. It's set for the low speed to come on and kick the high speed fan on when I'm overheating.

    I have the fan connected through a 50A relay w/ the controller as well.

    Basically the only wire I have left is a green one off the fan controller which automatically turns the fan on when the A/C comes on (as long as it's connected to the harness)

    I have no idea where to connect this wire to basically. I'm trying to figure out where the 12v is supplied when I hit the A/C button on. So I don't really need to make anything fancy. Just looking for a wire location and then will cut and solder them together.
    Usual Z31 suspect: Garage Queen (aka broken)

  • #5
    its a 12v supply to the compressor. The compressor itself acts as a ground. You can go directly to the compressor. Or the nicer way is to go under the relay box at the compressor relay. I believe the same wire color that is at the compressor (before the jumper clip) is the same wire comming out of THAT relay.

    Thats where I tagged mine. But be aware its a positive input and not a negitive.

    This is how I wired my setup but I used a fan controller.
    My Build Thread

  • #6
    ^ See that's what I thought at first. But then I changed my theory when I hooked the green fan up and the compressor wire together. Turned on the ignition and hit the a/c button and still got nothing! I then used a on off switch to test the wire to the fan controller. Put one end on the batter and the other on the wire. Powered it up and vroom! the fan started right up no problem. Maybe there is an issue with my A/C wiring. Ill try from the relay. Thanks.
    Usual Z31 suspect: Garage Queen (aka broken)

  • #7
    well does ur compressor turn on while the car is running? If so then your wiring in your car is fine.

    Give me how you have your setup. Maybe you missed something.
    My Build Thread

  • #8
    Yea, the relay with the 12v for the a/c did not work. I do not have the compressor attached as I removed a/c.

    Taurus 3.8 L fan, low speed, high speed, ground. Low and high go to relay. 5 terminal relay with low speed, high speed, fan 1, fan 2 on controller and a ground.

    Controller has 12v for 30a relay connected to it. 12v plugged into ignition fuse for controller. black ground. fan 1 controller and fan 2 controller into relay. Temp probe into radiator and the green wire for A/c.

    I clipped the connector from the compressor and put a switch through them just in case it wasn't making a connection touched together and still nothing.

    Like I said in the earlier post. I attached a switch and went through the A/C relay testing each connection. 3 of them acted as a hot switch always on even if the a/c button was depressed so I knew they were not the source. One of them didn't work with the ac depressed or pressed in (on), so it must have been a ground.

    My a/c worked beautifully 8 months ago before I took it out (needed a bit of free-on, but the wires were great).

    I still think I'm hooking it into the wrong switch. Where in the harness is the a/c 12v switch itself that I can tap into?
    Usual Z31 suspect: Garage Queen (aka broken)

  • #9
    I do have a connector unplugged for some pump where every time i turned the climate control to cool and turned the speed up it would start compressing air. This is located above the stock oil cooler. I doubt these connections are linked together, but do you think that could be the case? It was getting annoying as the air compressing noise was loud and I wasn't using it.

    Do I need a 3 way switch. One for the compressor wire. One 12 v from the battery and then the green wire? I thought the compressor wire was 12v positive :-?
    Usual Z31 suspect: Garage Queen (aka broken)

  • #10
    oh the reason why your not getting power on that line is that you took out the compressor. When you take it out and have no freon the switch on the reciever/drier (by the fuel filter, the thing with the glass eye) tells the system to not turn on because its not safe. Thats why you have no power in your circuit. Now if you want to have it just jump the switch on the reciever/drier since you have NO AC and there you go, it will work at the relay/compressor.

    why do you want to hook it up to there? Is it just for an override switch?
    My Build Thread

  • #11
    ahhh, ok that makes sense (i think). Hopefully I still have this switch in my car. Yes, this is just an override switch for the controller to turn on the fan when I want.

    Ok, so I played with it and this is where I got.

    There are the 2 plugs that go into the liquid tank. A red stripe and a blue stripe wire (could be black too). I hooked into the red stripe and when grounded it gives power to the compressor wire. Awesome! But now theres a problem. Once grounded it doesn't matter whether my A/C switch is on or off now and will just run the fan all the time like it has constant 12v. I want to be able to control it from the A/C switch to power down and on, how would I go upon doing this? Or did I do something wrong with the wires.
    Usual Z31 suspect: Garage Queen (aka broken)

  • #12
    nah jump the 2 wires together I THINK. then you should have complete control. at least thats how the factory should work.

    Try that.

    edit: I thought about it, and you probably grounded the side to turn on the relay. so thats why it stayed on.
    My Build Thread

  • #13
    Edit: I got it. I was doing it right the first time but I'm just an idiot and didn't turn the car ignition on. I figured it would just work with the car ignition in the on position and the car off. So it kicks the low speed on when the a/c is on now, yay! lol.

    Another question. I want to wire a toggle switch for the high speed fan. With my set up earlier I want it to go from the battery directly through a fuse and to the relay for the high speed. I basically followed the write up by mike on xenonz31.com. What do I tap into for the relay, or is the only way to take the high speed fan wire off the relay and attach it directly to the other side of the switch. I want to run it through the relay though so it doesn't spike and blow fuses like crazy. Any ideas?
    Usual Z31 suspect: Garage Queen (aka broken)

  • #14
    you should have the ac switch for high mode and then hook up a line to the temp sensor for the low switch.

    turbo models u can use the sensor thats right on the radiator, but remember its a negitive signal. it turns on at i think 200 degrees.

    if you want to use the other switch you may have to look up the wiring to find the wire that goes to it. lol or just hook it up to the blower motor haha.
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