Rear ended, help!

  • jeff1986na
    Junior Member
    • 3

    Rear ended, help!

    my car shrunk.jpg

    wondering if bumper covers are the same for 1984-1986?
  • reddzx
    Senior Citizen
    • 6440

    Yes, but the bumper cover is the least of your problems. Unless you have money to burn, body skills and the equipment, the repair it yourself, it will cost way more that the car is worth. And, It will still be a formally wrecked car. I know I have fixed several like that and worse.

    1988 300ZX Turbo, Shiro Special #760
    1988 300ZX Turbo Automatic (wife's car)
    1991 Hard-body 2WD
  • mtherkamp
    Senior Member
    • 243

    Probably nothing! I friggen hate insurance, I pay money so if someone else hits me, and has no insurance and they sue I am covered. That's what uninsured motorist is for. I say they shouldn't get a dime for being stupid.
    Butter (credit where credit is due): "You have this "gift" where you can make cooking a Hot Pocket seem like you need a certain wavelength microwave and involve brown mustard."